Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 12: Famous Last Words

This week has been pretty crazy.  I am starting to have all of my homework assignments piling up, as even though I knew they were coming up I still managed to forget exactly when the assignment would be due.  There are a lot of papers that will be due in the next few weeks.  One of my assignments is for my Bible as Literature course.  I have to find a movie or book that is based off of a story or book from the Bible and then compare it to the original tale and write a paper on how accurate it is or how far from the original message it is.  This seems like it may be fun, but I still need to decide what the original topic is going to be.  I also need to find out how many pages this paper is going to have to be.  In my other classes I have a capstone paper and a paper on poverty.  The paper for my capstone is about twenty percent done.  I need to have around twenty pages written by about Thanksgiving.  I am hoping to have enough of it done, or better yet have the entire paper finished, before Thanksgiving so I can relax when I am at home.  My paper for the class on poverty is about half way done.  I need to do more research on finding sources that are current, as well as providing more background information for my topic.  With how crazy my week has been, I have managed to start buying Christmas presents which means that I will be able to relax when it gets really hectic during the holidays. It also means that I have been able to take advantage of some of the sales that are going on.  This year I hope to be able to relax and not have to run out for some last minute gifts because I forgot someone.  I hope everyone has a great week!
(Pumpkin Pie: Image source Wikipedia)


  1. I took the Bible as literature! Do you take it with Dr. Ori Kritz? I am really impressed that you have already started buying Christmas presents, especially with how busy you seem to be! I need to get on that. Thank you for the reminder! I also hope your coming weeks are easier than the one you just had!

  2. That Bible as literature class sounds pretty interesting. At least your paper in there shouldn't be too difficult or boring. I definitely understand having a lot due though. My classes all pile on long papers and long group assignments/presentations that are all due at around the same time. I even have 2 presentations on one day: one is 30 minutes long, the other is 20 minutes long. Geez.

    I too have begun buying Christmas presents. I wont lie, I decorated my house before Thanksgiving. It's my first time doing it, but I like it. Why should I wait? It's my house! haha I love the Christmas spirit and the whole time around Christmas. It seems to bring the best out in people.

    Good luck on your assignments! Stay strong, you're almost to the end!
