Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Week 11: Essay on Diagramming Sentences

This cartoon is hilarious, both because that is how Yoda talks and because grammatical structure was one of the main things teachers stressed in elementary school.  The funny thing is that after elementary school, it wasn't really talked about at all.  Once middle school hit, it was expected that you would be able to create proper sentences.  The parts of the sentence were no longer discussed.  When I saw this cartoon I started to remember the different English classes that I would have to sit through and hope that I was able to correctly diagram the sentence.  It is ironic that I hated having to do that in elementary school, yet I have ended up getting a minor in English Literature.  Even though I do not enjoy having to diagram sentences, I love reading and writing, so my love for that overcame my dislike for correctly structuring a sentence.  Even though I do love writing, I am still not able to easily diagram a sentence.  I can set the sentence up correctly, yet I will not really be able to tell you the role that each word in the sentence is playing.  That is mainly due to the fact that it was not really talked about at all in high school.  I am hoping that I will continue to be able to love English for the years to come.  This cartoon was able to display the fear that I faced along with a lot of my classmates.  Thankfully I was able to overcome this as time passed, as I hope others are able to do.  Without those classes, I do not know if I would have developed my love for English, even though I hated them at the time.  Either way, I enjoyed the way that the comic captured the fear of being called upon by the professor, as well as using Yoda, who is one of my favorite characters from Star Wars, to showcase that.

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