Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 5: Famous Last Words

This week has been stressful, as I have been working on catching up on readings for some of my classes, as well as preparing for major essays. At the same time I have also been enjoying myself by spending time with my friends.  I have also been working on getting to know some of my dorm mates better.  This week during classes I got back one of my first essays of the semester.  I was not looking forward to seeing how I did on it, as my teacher had been talking about how poorly some people had done, but I was relieved to find that I made a B.  Even though I was relieved, however, I was also disappointed that I had not done as well as I thought I had.  This paper certainly made me want to do better in that class. 
Right now most of my classes are focusing on issues that are going on around the world, particularly in regards to poverty and economic development.  It is interesting to see how my classes intersect, teaching similar topics, but it is also difficult. At times the class lessons blend together, making it difficult to separate one lesson from the next.  This makes it hard to concentrate on quizzes at times, as I have to focus to remember what each teacher has said and make sure I use the right one. 
Volunteering has been fun, although I really need to go more often. Playing with the cats has proven to be a major stress reliever for me, so I get to volunteer and relax at the same time.  Outside of that, I am currently looking for a part time job to fill my free time and give me something to do, as well as to help me make some extra money. I have been getting some applications, now I just have to turn them in and see about getting an interview. Hopefully everything will work out alright and I will be able to find something nearby that works with my schedule.
One movie that I saw recently was "The Edge of Tomorrow," featuring Tom Cruise.  It was surprisingly good. I would definitely recommend it. 
(Movie poster; Photo source Wikipedia)


  1. Hi Elizabeth! It so great that you have worked on balancing all of the different things you're involved in, and it sounds like you're doing it well! It's also really great that you are working to do well in your classes-- I'm the same way. I really dislike negative criticism, but when I do get it, I take it as a challenge. Sometimes, I take it too far and accidentally push other priorities out of the way, but it seems like you've got a great handle on things and can work it out in order to impress your professor next time. Volunteering is the best! I volunteer with people at a assisted living center, but animals are certainly one of my favorite ways of volunteering. They really are stress relievers! I've always wanted to go to Second Chance, but I'm the kind of person who would want to adopt all of the animals and spent the car ride back to my apartment crying because my apt doesn't allow pets (it's happened before haha). I'm sure the cats love the attention and care you give to them. That is the best!

  2. Haha I totally know what you mean when you say it gets confusing when lessons and classes blend together. Last semester, I was taking Biology and Zoology lab. Those classes blended together so hard that when it came to studying for lab quizzes, I was always sure that I would get points off for saying something that I learned in Bio that wasn't included in the Zoo powerpoints and notes.

    Proud of you for that B, especially since your Professor talked that essay down so much. You got this! Keep working hard and you'll do great in that class. Playing with cats and having that count as volunteering honestly sounds like the greatest thing. I used to think cats were silly animals that don't really like being around humans. I was completely wrong. A close friend of mine adopted a cat this summer and ever since then, i've been in love with cats. Hopefully my roommate get the kitten we've been looking at so I can play with it whenever I want.
    Btw, I work at Best Buy and they are totally hiring seasonal part-timers. You start form $9-10 an hour and the managers are very flexible with school schedules. So if you're interested, you should totally apply!

    Good luck with everything! Hope it all works out :)

  3. Elizabeth, I had a difficult week as well. I have been studying for three exams and doing online assignments as well. I feel your pain. I also enjoy when topics overlap each other in classes. I have an entirely different set of coursework from you but I like when biology classes overlap in information.. it makes studying a lot easier, thats for sure. Keep up the great work this semester. You’ve got this.
